Hellboy: Historias Extranas (Weird Tales, Spanish/Espanol)
Mike Mignola’s award-winning series Hellboy has been lauded as much by other artists as it has by award ceremonies and fans. Over the years, many of the best artists in the industry have asked if they could do a backup story, just to get a chance to play with the characters and worlds Mignola has created. In this lavish collection, some of the best writers and artists in comics team up to present stories of giant bats, demon children, jet packs, haunted circuses, and rusted-out spaceships. Old-fashioned pulp fun featuring one of the greatest heroes of modern comics. Mostly color. This is the Spanish language edition. Andi Watson, Jason Pearson, John Cassaday, Alex Maleev y otros muchos grandes autores del momento anaden su granito de arena a la leyenda de Hellboy, el gran agente de lo oculto creado por Mike Mignola. Descubre las aventuras mas extranas de Hellboy, el detective venido del infierno.