Finding The Sweet Spot
Finding the Sweet Spot offers practical, creative, and insightful solutions to the most aggravating, frustrating, and intimidating aspect of the San Francisco urban experience: parking! This indispensable guide, loaded with previously- unpublished information, takes a keep- it- simple approach and applies keen wit plus local wisdom to the problem that befuddles tourists and bedevils residents of the City by the Bay. “When David LaBua first came by Green Apple to see if we could carry his self-published guide to all things parking in San Francisco, our first reaction was, ‘Oh, that’s nice.’ But in no time, he had a small crowd gathered around him as he answered questions on such arcana as: when is it necessary to curb your wheels? How far away from a parking sign can you be before that sign no longer applies to your car? What recourse is there when one’s car gets towed? What is the capital of Assyria?” -Green Apple Bookstore, San Francisco. “Finding the Sweet Spot is literally worth its weight in gold. Not only has it saved me hundreds of dollars in DPT parking fines, but also has saved me time, and quite possibly my marriage.” -Cecile de Bressant. “LaBua has thought of everything from meter-ology, and parking-sign language, to tow woes, cheerfully counseling you in parking savvy… With tongue- in- cheek charm and a crisp writing style (that would make E.B. White smile) David has created a little gem of a book that will be indispensable to anyone who ever has to drive and park in San Francisco.” -Susan Wooldridge