The Band Crime: Punk77 Revisited
The Band Crime, Punk 77 Revisited is James Stark’s second book of punk photography. The Band Crime is a continuation of Punk77, focusing on one of the important early punk rock bands: Crime. Before punk, there were two bands in San Francisco who were laying the ground work for the punk look and attitude — Crime and The Nuns. The Band Crime features over one hundred photographs with text to set the scene. Crime was a visual band who took care to make sure their look was right. It was not unusual for Crime to have a different look for each show. When the author first met them, they were into South of Market gay bar drag — poppers, shiny wife beater T-shirts, black leather jackets, and leather motorcycle caps. “In the spirit of prototypic street photographers Mary Ellen Mark, Diane Arbus, and Weegee, these punk images show adolescence as that fleeting time of malleable identity and experimentation.” —Flaunt Magazine. Paperback, black and white, 7″ x 10″.