Machine Rendering
Gundam and the Transformers have countless fans around the world. The delighted cries of these fans are ample evidence of these machines’ allure. While appreciating these creations, we should not ignore the people who created them. Machine Rendering will use interviews and collected artworks to create a thorough presentation of the development of machine rendering as an art form in the West, Japan and China. This book consists of two parts, or two stories. In the first, ten machines created by Western and Japanese artists go into battle. Whether they have cold armour shells and weapons, or they are smooth, humanoid machines, in these battles, they all manifest the rich creativity of the artists behind them. In the second part, ten outstanding Chinese rendering artists will create ordinary everyday life scenes, using the lives of four family members to present a story of the mechanised life of the future. Not only will the reader experience a uniquely dramatic clash between fantasy and reality, he will also gain a strong sense of Chinese design elements.