Elfquest: Siege At Blue Mountain #1
A secret cache of goods was recently released from realms unknown with the help of ye olde Last Gasp divining rod —its sacred twitch revealing the yellowed gold of ancient comix! From the Last Gasp treasure chest, gleaming Underground Booty!
Among the many and varied treasures was discovered a stash of beautiful copies of independent sci-fi/fantasy comic Elfquest: Siege at Blue Mountain #1!
The Wolfriders have settled into their new Holt in the Forbidden Grove! The tumult of the Quest is behind them, and new life has come to the tribe. All is peaceful until… a Wolfrider child is kidnapped! The elves must once again confront Winnowill and her schemes —but first they must get through the humans who worship the evil temptress!… First issue from the fifth book following elves on their quest for peace and freedom.
Professional Last Gasp comics scrutinizers have blessed the copies of this mag with a “very-fine” rating! Get ’em before they are lost forever in the confusing sands of human destiny!