Acht, Neun, Zehn (Eight, Nine, Ten)
Christoph Bachmann has to redo tenth grade. The summer is almost over and the first day of the new term is getting closer and closer. The last holiday weeks Christoph spends at home alone with his mom pass uneventfully. But then a young girl who works in a flower shop arouses his interest — and their first encounter is promising. Suddenly things seem to turn for the better. Acht, Neun, Zehn is Hamburg-based artist Arne Bellstorf’s debut graphic novel, after a number of short stories in anthologies (like “Orang,” which he co-edits) and mini comics. This book garnered him the Best New Talent award at the Frankfurt book fair in 2005. His clean style and sentimental, somber storytelling style has been compared to Chris Ware and Daniel Clowes. Text entirely in German.