Adulterers Anonymous
Adulterers Anonymous 1996 Last Gasp edition
Lydia Lunch and Exene Cervenka
Like mortification rites performed in lonely cells, these poems flow thick and
warm, born of blood and tears. Solitary and intertwining, the voices of Lydia
Lunch and Exene Cervenka call and respond, console and retreat as they
evoke all the moods and scents of love and its lonely twin. Their words
become their touchstones as they wander through murky days and feverish
nights.. carving hieroglyphs on the walls of barren rooms where lovers wail
and cringe in horror as they become estranged… and strangers batter and
claw at one another desperate for love. Sibylline throats open to honor the
wild and the brave who hurl their passion into the darkness trembling fiercely
as moments vile and transcendent shiver alongside each other in the increas-
ing chaos of a fearsome world.
For the past twenty years, Lydia Lunch and Exene Cervenka have channeled
the fury, anguish and beauty of their vision through music, film, video, visual
art and photography, the written and the spoken word. Kindred spirits in their
determination to challenge repression and deception on every level – social,
personal, and political – they have allied their energies to create written and
spoken words collaborations, beginning with ADULTERERS ANONYMOUS in