Moondog #2
Moon Dog #2! A glimpse into a strange fantasy-future forty-five years past!
“This is the journeying of one man thru the void of the world, a soiled world wherein he travels far [and] further with his own awakening deep mind-powers, a strange world of other awakening minds, minds growing step by step with a new Renaissance of Man rising like the Phoenix from his own ashes…… this is the man called…. Moondog”!
A blind shaman in the post-apocalyptic Aquarian Age journeys to the unknown ends of the world. Madness, Reverse Time, the fate of all existence! Strains of psychedelia and oddly Ed-Woodian uses of language permeate this fine example of Underground fantasy comix. Stretch your brain a little and ride with Moondog!
Get ’em before they are lost forever in the confusing sands of human destiny!