Pocket Myths Zine #3: Orpheus, w/CD
“Pocket Myths” is a series of handmade zines, each with the theme of a different Greek (or sometimes Roman) myth. “Orpheus” is the most deluxe Pocket Myths publication yet, featuring a CD curated by sound artist EE Miller and a zine spilling over with original writing and art. The zine includes work by Ari Banias, Julia Bloch, Christopher Davis, Cathy Halley, Sara Jaffe, Andrea Lawlor, Robin Lewis, Dori Midnight, Corinna Press, Blake Riley, Miriam Klein Stahl, Cat Tyc, Laurie Weeks, David West, Matthew Wills, and Lena Wolff. The CD includes work by Greta Byrum, Sara Jaffe, Jennie C. Jones, Bernadine Mellis, EE Miller, My Invisible (includes Miranda Mellis, Popahna Brandes, and Carolina Maugeri), Eileen Myles, Cynthia Nelson with Rocketship, Jean Smith, Julianna Snapper & Ron Athey, and Carmen White.