Prime Cut: The Premiere Crying Macho Man Collection
In the parody tradition of Saturday Night Live, Monty Python, and Mad Magazine, Crying Macho Man pokes fun at everything from politics and racism to the latest trends. And when it comes to skewering famous personas like Prince, Fidel Castro, Dr. Phil, Madonna, and everyone’s favorite punching bag G. Dubya, Crying Macho Man pulls no punches. So grab your knife and fork and get ready for the first bite! Crying Macho Man, the weekly comic strip that has taken the internet by storm, is finally hitting the bookshelves with this first ever collection of prime cuts. Don’t be shy, pick up a copy and make your mother blush. “HILARIOUS… has more than enough meat for a multiple-course meal… A-.” “Jose Cabrera’s Crying Macho Man touches me in ways I cannot explain. Sharp, well drawn, and funny. It deserves your attention.” -Keith Knight, The K Chronicles.