Sci Fi Western Catalog
In SCI/FI Western we bring together yesterday and tomorrow. When the past and future are united we find the present. An artist lives in the present during the process of making art. We solve each problem as it comes up and the proof is in the finished product. This theme inspired scores of creative geniuses to create a new vision especially for this show. It seems that Science Fiction and Westerns were very important symbolically in our formative years. When looking at this imagery it is interesting to see who is winning in each artist’s battle. In some of the pieces the future is horribly scary and in others it is hopeful and bright. How much does this reveal about our internal landscapes? SCI/FI Western includes visionaries borrowing images of the past and leaving it to future generations to interpret where we were in this present moment. Ladies and Gentlemen, through time warps and deadlines, showdowns and shootouts we bring to you the greatest collection of SCI/FI Western Art ever presented. Including artwork by Todd Schorr, Kathy Schorr, Rob & Christian Clayton, Eric White, Spain, Mats!, Isabel Samaras, Ron English, and many more.