Secret Magazine #32
From England, the magazine of fetish, bondage, and SM. Lots of photos of bondage and kink, very glossy, very pretty, Plus fiction, articles, interviews, etc. Black and white. In this issue: articles on the Absolute Suite in Amsterdam; stories by Alex Jordaine & Debs Tapper; a super dungeon to be sold in Brussels; pictures of Belgian Fetish model Seffana; art by Sardax; photographs by China Hamilton, Etienne Braun, Eric Cain, Hikari Kesho, Mick Payton, Vlad Gansovsky (who is responsible for the new covershot) and Christophe Mourthe; an excellent article on hook suspension; an interview with rubberdoll Emma, who is in fact a man, completely transformed into a beautiful rubberdoll with pictures; fashion by Antiseptic Fashion & Atsuko Kudo; a breathtaking interview with world-famous ponygirl Anna Rose, where she tells us all her “secrets”… and Masuimi Max tells you everything you always wanted to know, but didn’t dare to ask her! Plus fetish news on books, videos and a lot more.