Snarf No. 3
Snarf Number Three. First printing, 1972.
Fine condition with $1.00 price sticker affixed to front cover.
COVER: Readers are treated to a glimpse of our subterranean headquarters, as drawn by none other than WILL EISNER himself, famed creator of The spirit
and other costumed heroes.
Hippies really take a beating this issue. PETER
POPLASKI and ED GOODMAN team up in our lead story
to show the amazing transformation of Bucky Wright
from rich boy to longhair radical.
TOM CHRISTOPHER follows with Adventures of the Omnipotent Dwarf, who crosses paths later in the book with those fumbling soldiers of fortune, Lenny and
DENIS KITCHEN and ED GOODMAN introduce a regular
feature, “Ramshackle & Slumlord Realty.”
Typical American landlords at play.
EVERT GERADTS “Ma Cow” returns in an udderly ridiculous tale of Ma’s attempts to avoid Pa’s cattle prod. But Pa gets his in the end.
Dead Ledder, PETE LOFT’S bird-brained mailman, is used
to losing U.S. mail. But this time he loses a kid.
POPLASKI and KITCHEN parody Mary Worth, Nancy, and
some of your other favorite newspaper comic strips.
And TIM BOXELL brings up the rear with a perverse observation of teenage love.