The Tree Show – Mark Ryden
A large hardcover Mark Ryden collection, focusing on trees and nature.
This beautifully printed collection is the exhibition catalog from “The Tree Show” at the Michael Kohn Gallery in Los Angeles, California.
The Tree Show book features Ryden’s paintings, drawings, and sketches, as well as documentary photography of sculptures, installations, and the artist at work.
Ryden’s iconic imagery depicts interactions between trees, little girls, toys, dolls, iconic figures, and more.
128 pages, 9″ x 12″, hardcover, full color.
Mark Ryden came to preeminence in the 1990s. With his masterful technique and disquieting content, he became a leader in the revitalization of painting, combining accessibility, craftsmanship and technique with socio-cultural relevance and emotional resonance. His work has been exhibited in museums and finer galleries worldwide. Hardcover, color.
“The high prince of Lowbrow — known for his incomparable skill, his often shocking price tags, and his capacity to sell out just about anything — is ready for some attention from the art world.”
–LA Weekly