The World of Chick (The World of Jack T. Chick)
Bob Fowler’s study of hardcore Christian fundamentalist cartoonist Jack Chick is sure to have you clutching your guts in riotous laughter.
“An amazing job.” — Gary Groth
“An important document” — Denis Kitchen
“Truly insane, obsessive & informative. God bless you!” — Dan Clowes
“I stand before your Chick book with the awe due a miracle. Your compilation of topics and Chick-history is almost overwhelming, to say the least. You’ve defined the Chick universe with almost mathematical precision and lucidity, and I feel that your efforts will be the touchstone by which all further efforts at Chick scholarship will be judged against and built upon.” – Dan Raeburn
This edition does not include any Chick Tracts. First printing, 2001.
160 pages, black and white, 11 x 8.25″ landscape format, paperback.
Cover art by Hal Robins. Colored by Spain Rodriguez.