Who Killed Hunter S. Thompson?
Candid memoirs and appreciations by many of Hunter Thompson’s closest friends and co-conspirators.
Thompson’s compatriots observe and comment on the legendary journalist’s life and death.
Contains: transcripts of his rants and idiosyncratic phone messages, The Gonzo Master’s Midnight Faxes, The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved, and a humongous introduction (a book in itself!) by Warren Hinckle III.
Contributors include: Roger Black, Susie Bright, Phil Bronstein, Jerry Brown, Bill Cardoso, John G. Clancy, R.L. Crabb, Robert Crumb, Johnny Depp, Emory Douglas, Dennis P. Eichhorn, Wayne Ewing, Christopher Felver, Timothy Ferris, Ben Fong-Torres, Deborah Fuller, Jeff Goodby, William R. Hearst III, William Kennedy, Paul Krassner, John R. McArthur, Terry McDonell, Matthew Naythons, Martin F. Nolan, Dan O’Neill, Stephen R. Proctor, Jonah Raskin, ‘Dr. Hip’ Schoenfeld, Jonathan Shaw, Winston Smith, Barbara S. Solomon, Ralph Steadman, Michael Stepanian, Dugald Stermer, Jack Thibeau, Juan Thompson, Garry Trudeau, John Walsh, Wavy Gravy, S. Clay Wilson, Barbara Wohl and Tom Wolfe.
This gargantuan Thompson tome is lavishly and quirkily illustrated.